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Console Exclusivity And Launch Window

GTA 6: Confirmed Exclusivity and Expected Release Date

Console Exclusivity and Launch Window

Rockstar Games has officially confirmed the exclusivity of Grand Theft Auto VI (GTA 6) for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox consoles. The highly anticipated sequel is currently under development and is not expected to be released before 2025. This announcement has caused a stir among fans, who have been eagerly awaiting news of the game's release for years.

Expanded Setting and Release Date Window

GTA 6 will feature the expansive state of Leonida, which includes the vibrant city of Vice City and its surrounding areas. Rockstar has remained tight-lipped about the game's storyline and gameplay details, but it is expected to offer a vast and immersive open world. The 2025 release window suggests that the game is still in early development, and further updates are likely to be announced as production progresses.
